May 23, 2019
PF Announces $10 Grading Special
Many collectors and dealers have extremely fine and superb United States stamps which have received PF Certificates over the years, but have never had them graded. With the growing market for graded stamps, the PF is offering a special limited time discount rate of $10 for each stamp submitted for grading which the PF has previously certified as genuine at any time from 2006 to date. Even better, at the time of submission, you will be able to designate the minimum numerical grade you believe the stamp should receive. If it is awarded the requested grade, you will receive a replacement certificate with the original date and the grade on the certificate. In the event our expert staff determines your designated grade is too high, your stamp will be returned and it will not receive a graded certificate. At $10 per stamp, be sure to take advantage of this limited time offer which is good through the end of this year. To maximize your savings and reduce the expense of mailing and handling, forward a submission of a number of your highest quality stamps together with their ungraded certificates. Even better, stop by and bring them to our offices next time you’re in New York. Whether by mail or in person, all you need do is mark the instruction box on the PF’s submission form “Grading Special” and send the stamps with their certificates. You can click here to download a submission form on our website.
Scott #313 Graded 98
You’ll be glad you did!

Scott #233 Graded 98J